When according to CNN, more than 1.7 million women and men are using the #metoo hashtag on Twitter in at least 85 countries, are we a world awoke?

Is the speed at which news media, entertainment and production companies, publishers, art galleries and businesses are dropping actors, artists and executives, and that the FBI has begun investigating allegations across a number of lawsuits, are we a world awoke?

When more than 2.6 million women march on Washington and around the country and the world to protest a misogynistic US president and an administration it is feared will roll back reproductive, civil and human rights, are we a world awoke?

With good men stepping forward and through the violence prevention and male socialization group A Call to Men to share their compassion, bring the conversation out of the closet, take action and model good behavior with men and boys to raise new generations of kids who are living in and fighting for environments of love and respect, are we a world awoke?

Being active in causes can help both women and men feel empowered about their basic rights. But it's equally important for organizational policies against sexual harassment to be created and enforced. Enforced? When we have no tolerance for. When we demand that there is no place for sexual coercion, unwanted sexual attention and gender harassment in culture...are we a world awoke?

The ways in which we as humans show up in the world and show respect to our fellow humans has been under fire since the dawn of time. But now, more than ever, we are needed to be un-silenced. To testify. To be brave, strong and determined. To know that it was not your fault. Are we a world awoke?

How do we prevent the conversation from landing in the social media graveyard? When you learn that it was activist Tarana Burke who first launched #metoo 10 years ago but only today has it infused the social dialogue with public action, are we a world awoke?

For those who have experienced harassment in any form, now, more than ever we need to teach, share and support skills around self-love. To equip them first with an understanding that the totality of their being is worthy of their love and other's love. These are children (still or now adults) who have harbored secrets, have felt no one would believe them, that maybe they did something wrong. Who are in pain. THIS IS NOT THEIR FAULT. Are we a world awoke?

image @Lauren Colin Mitchel