Jeffrey Levin Jewelry
Visit Jeffrey Levin: Here
Jeffrey Levin (pronounced ‘leveen’) is the eponymous jewelry collection created and crafted by the artist, an accomplished jeweler and designer of over 30 years.

Born in Cape Town, South Africa to parents of Egyptian-French and Lithuanian provenance, Jeffrey discovered jewelry early in life. At age 12, his father became a partner in the family jewelry business. Jeffrey grew up in the workshops, observing and increasingly enamored with the art of custom jewelry making. Taking inspiration from the urbane, eclectic aesthetic his mother brought to both the family business and home (Rosette being a collector herself), Jeffrey learned early how to design, manufacture and merchandise collections.
He developed an innate sense for understanding the intense joy of collecting objects of artistic appreciation.
Captured in the Jeffrey Levin collections are not only his artistic vision, interpretation, remarkable attention to detail and craftsmanship—but the wonder of creating beauty.